“Here Are The 5 WORST Things
You Can Do If You Want To
Build Muscle & Get A World Class
- Almost all bodybuilding supplements DON'T WORK and are a complete joke and only make a 5% difference ASSUMING your diet and training plan are in order. In just a second, I'll give you a nutritional advantage and tell you exactly what does work.
- Traditional bodybuilding programs would lead you to believe that "shocking" your muscles with "different angles," "feeling the burn," and "splitting up your body parts" is effective but they are dead wrong. Below, I'll tell you how not to waste your time and energy and gain maximum muscle.
- Imitating the instruction of champion bodybuilders is a costly mistakebecause their advice has no practical relevance for average people like you and me. They will not tell you that drugs and genetics are responsible for curing their problem of being a hardgainer. They claim it's supplements and "better training." Give me a break.
- Every bodybuilding magazine is owned and operated by a supplement company, which is why these mags look like massive supplement catalogs. If you've reading up on what supplements works, don't bother because you're getting biased opinions.
- Lastly, legendary physiques were not built on silky smooth machines and bogus exercise equipment like the Bowflex, Total Gym 100 or the Weider Max 5000.
Stop being a casualty of misinformation and learn the bottom line TRUTH toward gaining weight and building lean muscle mass – right away!
On this very page you’ll discover how I am living proof…
You'll Do It Too:
- With no dangerous steroids. This means your body's getting shredded…the natural way!
- With no expensive supplements. Which means you still have money in your pocket to spend on all those women that are suddenly giving you attention!
- With no more conflicting advice. Say good bye to listening to “experts” who constantly disagree and confuse the life out of you.
- With no long hours at the gym! So you work out less and achieve more. This gives you the freedom to live your life, instead of living in the gym.
- From Vince DelMonte
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Dear Fellow Hardgainer,Let's face it. You're tired.Tired of filling your body with mysterious supplements that do nothing except make you bloated and sick.Tired of busting your ass in the gym 6 days a week, only to find you're the same size you were last month.Tired of watching other guys work out half as much and get twice as big.I know. Because I was once there too. I was your typical 149 pound weakling.But then I uncovered something so powerful, it changed my life forever!And as you read each and every word of this page, you too will discover that the lies the muscle industry has been feeding you have kept you from attaining the body you've always dreamed of…"And They're Doing
It On Purpose!"But that's all about to change. Because you were lucky enough to land on this page.So…don't sit back and relax. Get on the edge of your seat because I'm going to expose the dirty little secrets of the industry. And hand you the most powerful, muscle growth and weight gain system ever developed for skinny "hardgainers!"It's the same system that I used to defeat the worst "skinny genetics" in the world and pack on a clean, 41 pounds of rock-hard granite-like muscle in just under 24 weeks.It's the same system that earned me 1st place at the Canadian Fitness Model Championships in Windsor, Ontario, in November 2005.The same system that brought me international notoriety in Maximum Fitness and has made me a regular contributor to Men's Fitness Magazine and on the Advisory Team for Maximum Fitness Magazine
It's the same training program that has helped hundreds of skinny hardgainers - JUST LIKE YOU.And if you happen to be chubby instead, stick with me for a few minutes and you'll see how this will work for you, like never before (and with no restrictive dieting)!You are about to own a killer step-by-step muscle building system exclusively for young guys and old guys who have tried everything else and still can't gain clear, defined, eye-popping muscle mass!There is one truth we have to establish right now…
"The Bodybuilding Industry Is Scamming You Out Of 90% Of Your Muscle Growth And 100% Of Your Money…"
That's right - If you just landed from Mars, and were able to avoid every muscle magazine, every supplement ad, and every re-hashed website then you would immediately have an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over the rest of male hardgainers out there.
You would easily be able to double your muscle gains in half the amount of time…
Simply by exploiting a few 'little known' techniques that the bodybuilding magazines are spending MILLIONS to keep from you…
And by mastering a few of these long forgotten training procedures you're going to learn about on this page, you will maximize your genetic potential quickly and easily.
You will literally force your muscles to grow!
Do I have your attention? I thought so.
Hi. My name is Vince DelMonte.
And every word you're about to read is the God's honest truth.
All my life I was skinny. I was so thin growing up I was nicknamed "Skinny Vinny" all through high school. The only thing I wanted was to be big and muscular. But no matter how hard I tried, I remained the same.
Skinny. Scrawny. Weak.
"I Mean I Had No Muscle Mass Whatsoever!"
What made matters worse was when I headed off to college all 4 of my roommate were JACKED. I'm talking 6 packs… 8 packs and guns the size of Howitzers!
The intimidation was unbearable.
I wanted what they had, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't come close to achieving it.
Like you, I read all the magazines… and wasted thousands of dollars on worthless supplements. I watched my buddies getting all the girls, while I spent my nights killing myself in the gym.
Still…I looked like a skinny little runner and my social life was non-existent.
So…I gave up. I figured everyone was right. I was destined to be "Skinny Vinny." But I still wanted to make the most of the skinny little body I was cursed with. Since I was built like a runner… I became a runner. More than that. I became a triathlete. You know…those mean and lean running, swimming, and biking dudes. Sure, it wasn't bodybuilding but at least it was something.
I actually got pretty good at it too. I even represented the national team in competitions. But still it wasn't what I wanted.
Just like you, I wanted muscle.
Just like you, I wanted bulk.
Just like you, I wanted all the things I figured I could never have.
Just like you, I wanted bulk.
Just like you, I wanted all the things I figured I could never have.
"Then A Tragic Event Rocked Me To My Core…"
That day changed who I was… and who I was meant to become.
That single event turned me from "Skinny Vinny" to an international hard body and Canadian Fitness Model Champion.
That fateful day helped make me become one of the nation's most sought after fitness coaches.
That one horrific moment helped get me all the female attention I could ever imagine.
The random accident that lead me to be known as the “Skinny Guy Savior…”
And when I tell you how it happened, it will blow your mind.
That single event turned me from "Skinny Vinny" to an international hard body and Canadian Fitness Model Champion.
That fateful day helped make me become one of the nation's most sought after fitness coaches.
That one horrific moment helped get me all the female attention I could ever imagine.
The random accident that lead me to be known as the “Skinny Guy Savior…”
And when I tell you how it happened, it will blow your mind.
The Truth
Imitating the training of champion bodybuilders is one of the most costly frauds in the exercise world! Because the instruction from elite bodybuilders has no practical relevance for average people like you and me.
People who are without gifted genetic potential, and don't want syringe scars in our butts.
Not only is this training advice useless, but it will cause over-training, injuries and illness.
The so-called "experts" will not tell you that drugs and genetics were responsible for curing their problem of being a hardgainer. They claim it's the supplements and "better training."
Give me a break!
Dirty Little Lie #2:
"If you want to increase your strength and have spectacular muscle growth, just follow the magazines…"
Every bodybuilding magazine claims they have the answers. But in fact, it is their job to keep the real answers from you.
Follow their advice to gain weight, build muscle and increase strength, and you're guaranteed only one thing. 6 months from today, you will look just like you do now! And you'll be pissed off.
The Truth
Not only will you build no muscle by following the herd, but you will create muscular losses - fast. And you will become weaker!
Can you honestly say that your strength has increased incrementally over the years?
Almost every single one of the training schedules in muscle magazines is outright hogwash.
The authors fail to discuss two of the most critical components in exercise - one is good and one is bad:
"Intensity of effort", is good - Anything that greatly increases the intensity of exercise will greatly improve it.
"Amount of exercise" is bad - It is the amount of exercise that exhausts your recovery ability and makes growth impossible. It can even create a loss in your hard earned muscle size and strength.
Dirty Little Lie #3:
"The body of your dreams is locked inside this liquid… this powder… or these pills."
According to the "experts" reviewing products in magazines, the latest scam - ah… I mean supplement is "the one" that's going to perform magic on your body.
It's "the one that is designed especially for guys like you. There's only one problem. This new supplement designed just for you, has the same crap in it that the last supplement had in it.
These "experts" are nothing more than pumped up salesmen. And how do you know when a salesman is lying to you? His lips are moving!
Ask yourself this: Did the last product you were sold deliver what it promised?
I already know the answer. You're here, aren't you?
The Truth
Every major fitness magazine is owned and operated by a supplement company. The bulk of their income doesn't come from magazine subscriptions or newsstand sales, but from the pills and powders they use to pump cash out of your pocket.
Let me repeat that again… The bulk of their money is made by selling you crap!
And here is the kicker…
Supplement companies actually give out false training information on purpose!
Let me be more specific…
The majority of the bodybuilding information written by "the experts" is complete and total nonsense designed to make you fail, so that you'll continue to rely on their products for results.
Results that will never come!
How much faith would you have in a restaurant review if it was written by that restaurant's chef? Supplement companies are the chef… the waiter… the busboy and the owner.
Don't believe me? You can look it up, just like I did.
- Iron Man Mag is owned by Muscle Linc. Supplements
- Muscle Media Mag was formerly owned by EAS.
- Musclar Development Mag was formerly owned by TwinLab.
- Status Mat is owned by Magnum Nutraceuticals.
- Science and Muscle Mag is owned by Gaspari Nutrition.
And the big daddy of them all. The Grand Poobah… The Trump of Fitness…
Weider Enterprises owns pretty much everything else!
Weider Enterprises owns pretty much everything else!
- Muscle And Fitness
- Muscle And Fitness Hers
- Flex
- And More…
Basically…the guys who give glowing reviews about crap… work for the companies who make the crap! And get this - Weider Publications is now owned by the same people who own the National Enquirer and Star!
Let that sink in for a moment.
"You know the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results."
You want results… you have to change. And you have to do it right now.
I know you're frustrated by all the greed-induced junk science you've read…
You're frustrated with not making consistent gains…
You're frustrated by continuing to be that "little guy" in the gym, week after week…
"Finally…there's something that really works
for hardgainers like you!"
for hardgainers like you!"
It's a training system I developed after uncovering those long-lost fitness secrets. And I put all these explosive tactics together in one amazing program!
Here's just a taste of what you're going to be let in on. The same tactics that I GUARANTEE will turn you from the "little guy" to "that pumped up guy" everyone in the gym stares at in awe.
- Discover the #1 most critical muscle building ingredient you can't grow without.
More important than training, nutrition, supplementation and even more than anabolic steroids! Don't do this and you have no chance of building your perfect body! - Learn exactly how to eat and which foods naturally build slabs of muscle on your body.
Learn how to eat and shop properly, without having to eat endless amounts of calories which only makes you fat in the process. Learn which foods build granite-hard muscle like the flip of a switch and which foods will prevent any chance of getting ripped and muscular. - Side step the top 20 ways to screw up in the gym.
By simply avoiding these suicide training techniques that 98% of trainees do, you will make twice the gains in half the time! You'll be training smarter… not harder and the results will blow your mind. - Maximize the top 9 little known anabolic secrets for hyper-drive muscle gain.
Every single one of these principles MUST be executed to build even one pound of muscle. You will not casually discover these rules on any website or in any fitness magazine. Once you learn to exploit each one consistently, your growth will explode! Bodybuilders at your gym will be coming to YOU for advice! You're no longer on the outside looking in. - Gain 10 pounds in 2 weeks (Did I stutter? This is no lie!)
With my mass gaining plans, you will eat to grow huge. I tell you exactly what to eat and how much to eat, to ensure you get maximum growth. I guarantee this is unlike any eating plan you've ever heard of and I GUARANTEE you SERIOUS muscle gains. Yes… 10 pounds of solid muscle in 2 weeks! Imagine the instant change in your appearance. Stay out of sight for 2 weeks and when you return, you're like the "Incredible Hulk!" - Learn exactly how to absolutely optimize 7 of your body's most powerful muscle growth and fat burning hormones.
These are the same hormones bodybuilders and professional athletes shoot with 5 inch needles into their asses. I'll show you how to NATURALLY switch your body's own anabolic hormones into overdrive. You will maximize your workout and bulk up fast. - Steal two of my closely guarded 29-week weight training routines.
The same routine "the rich" pay me boatloads of cash to teach them! Let me take you by the hand and show you EXACTLY how to pair your muscles. How many sets you must do. How many reps. How much weight. How much rest. And most importantly… how fast to move the weight and when to change the program. You have NEVER seen this program in ANY fitness magazine or on ANY bodybuilding website. The results will make you look for every opportunity to take your shirt off in public! - Stop getting scammed and unearth the insider secrets about supplements.
Sure most people know that supplement companies are far from honest, but what I reveal will outrage you! Some of these companies are more than liars and it is safe to say even CRIMINAL! The long arm of the supplement industry is sabotaging you. And here's the worst part. They're doing it out of pure greed!
And that's just a sample of the long-lost but widely-proven muscle building secrets you will use to create massive bulk - simply and quickly - whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced trainee.
Carve your 6 pack or upgrade to an 8 pack!
Create that button-popping "Incredible Hulk" chest.
Construct sleeve-ripping arms.
"Listen, I'm not kidding around…"
I know damn well that the bodybuilding industry will NEVER tell you these secrets. They're too busy selling you lies in the form of pills, powders and liquids.
And they're laughing all the way to the bank!
The system you're about to possess is the no-holds-barred truth. I answer to no big supplement cartel. I work for no magazine mafia. All I want is for you to gain that muscle mass you've always desired.
But right now, you're skeptical. I understand.
You've lied to by everyone and their mother. And everyone has a "system" they claim is going to help you. I don't expect you to just believe me. With results like I'm talking about, I would want proof too!
So…listen to what
"Over the course of 8 months Brian has packed on over 30 pounds of pure, clean muscle mass! He's now rock-solid, ripped & 200 Pounds!"
others are saying.
"… I couldn't believe that I started gaining results by training less than before.
I actually added over 16 inches to my entire frame and gained over 30 lbs of muscle mass.
I was happy with my progress after only a few months… but I had no idea that was only the beginning.
Thanks for the great program Vince."
Brian Macdougal
After 12-Weeks Marios Went From 200 lbs at 17% Body Fat To 210 lbs at 10% Body Fat!"
"My years of frustration on trying to bulk without packing on fat were finally over… I was amazed by the amount of information that I was able to download. I had all the information that I needed to succeed at my fingertips…
If this is not enough, you do all the hard work for your clients and also provide tools such as a metabolic calculator and mass meal plans for both men and women. I love the way that you bust the top muscle building myths. This information alone is worth the whole price of the program.
I finally learned what to eat in order to gain lean mass without the fat and how many calories to consume each day… which exercises build muscle, what tempo to use, and which exercises to avoid. What type of cardio to do, and most importantly that you don’t need to spend hours in the gym in order to build your dream physique. I was once a supplement junkie but not anymore thanks to your no bull guide on supplements. This info alone has already saved my hundreds of dollars. My friends ask me what steroids am I on when they see me each day getting better and better. I laugh and tell them that I am hooked on Vince Delmonte.
For the lousy $100 that I gave you in exchange for your program, I have received so much! I will even compete in the Cypriot Fitness Nationals at the end of this year. I also have the guts to offer my own fitness advice to all my friends since I finally have the body to back it all up. I am now the man at the gym and I am being chased by all the gals. Your program will change the life of everyone that purchases it. All that I can say is:
“Get the Vince Delmonte program now!” “It will be the best decision that you will ever make in your life."
If this is not enough, you do all the hard work for your clients and also provide tools such as a metabolic calculator and mass meal plans for both men and women. I love the way that you bust the top muscle building myths. This information alone is worth the whole price of the program.
I finally learned what to eat in order to gain lean mass without the fat and how many calories to consume each day… which exercises build muscle, what tempo to use, and which exercises to avoid. What type of cardio to do, and most importantly that you don’t need to spend hours in the gym in order to build your dream physique. I was once a supplement junkie but not anymore thanks to your no bull guide on supplements. This info alone has already saved my hundreds of dollars. My friends ask me what steroids am I on when they see me each day getting better and better. I laugh and tell them that I am hooked on Vince Delmonte.
For the lousy $100 that I gave you in exchange for your program, I have received so much! I will even compete in the Cypriot Fitness Nationals at the end of this year. I also have the guts to offer my own fitness advice to all my friends since I finally have the body to back it all up. I am now the man at the gym and I am being chased by all the gals. Your program will change the life of everyone that purchases it. All that I can say is:
“Get the Vince Delmonte program now!” “It will be the best decision that you will ever make in your life."
Marios Prodromou
Larnaca Cyprus
Larnaca Cyprus
Think About This For A Second…
Imagine Getting Your Own Personal Coach - With You 24/7?
Imagine Getting Your Own Personal Coach - With You 24/7?
Obviously I can't be there in person. But my tactics… my system…everything that I worked years to perfect… will always be there for you.
And when I'm your trainer, I give you every trick in my book. I hold nothing back!
You get…
- The most highly guarded muscle building ingredient of all time - It has nothing to do sets, reps, and the way you train. (You might not want to share this with anybody it is so damn powerful).
- The 9 fundamental laws of human muscle growth - Anchor yourself to these principles and you will never waste another workout in your life.
- The truth about training to failure - Is it really necessary to go to failure, or are you actually digging your own grave? (I can't wait to tell you this!!!)
- EXACTLY how much and how little to train - Train too long and your Testosterone levels will drop like a rock. How long is too long? I'll show you.
- The hidden truth about High Intensity - I'm handing you the simple formula to measure your workout intensity. With just this alone, others will think you're a professional trainer!
- The key to unlocking “Untrained” and “untouched” muscle fibers - Unless you have your own MRI machine this is nearly impossible if you don't know my secret. Use this one tip in your next workout and I guarantee muscle growth 4 days from now.
- The little-known secret to eliminating training plateaus completely - You can now easily side step the #1 reason for a roadblock.
- A sneaky “trick” to get more recruitment from your muscles - This is guaranteed to wake up more muscle fibers than ever before. Don't get scared if you feel like your skin is going to rip!
- 5 easy tips to skyrocket your Testosterone levels - Don't screw up here because you have the chance to take your muscularity to a new level, crank up your sex drive, improve your recovery and look like a REAL man!
"If I stopped right here, you'd already know more than
every single meatheadin your gym."
every single meatheadin your gym."
But I'm not done… Not by a long shot!
I'm eliminating all the guess-work for you! You're getting a detailed road map that will have you driving a bee-line to your new body!
- Exploit the BEST training technique I have ever discovered - This is the foundation of the entire program and will lead to your GREATEST and QUICKEST muscular gains ever! I will be bold enough to say this ONE SPECIAL SET could put bodybuilding magazines out of business. Literally cut your workout time by a third with this mind-blowing technique!!!
- Learn the BEST training split ever for skinny hardgainers - The PERFECT workout split to get you the most training BUT still optimize recovery. You get the best of both worlds!
- Discover the explosive technique "Heavy Weights For High Reps" - Learn this key ingredient and start waking up to new layers of muscle everywhere!
- Control the most destructive hormone in your body- Not knowing how to manipulate this one hormone will turn your muscle into an "all you can eat buffet." Most people don't even know that this hormone exists.
- Discover the hidden rules of the supplement industry - Not only are you being ripped off but you are jeopardizing your strength gains and being made a fool of. I'd be surprised if you didn't throw away the supplements you have now, after reading this.
- Learn the truth to popular gym lore and bodybuilding myths - It's all about the pump, train instinctive, high reps are for cutting and low reps are for mass, Cycle your intensity blah blah blah. Hate to burst your bubble… but this stuff is absolute crap - complete nonsense! Imagine the unfair advantage you will have when you learn why!
- Choose the most EFFECTIVE exercises to add inches to your frame- Strategically learn how to rotate the 'bread-and-butter' exercises that will stimulate the most muscle fiber. As a hardgainer you can't waste your time with wimpy exercises that I call 'muscle wasters'.
- Discover the #1 principle associated with fat burning - You've learned this back in 4th grade and it's not as complicated as the nutrition experts would like you think.
Your energy levels will skyrocket.
Your confidence will soar.
Your body will transform right before your eyes.
And it will happen so fast your own mother will accuse you of taking steroids.
Let's take another look at what my book and program have done for people just like you…
Here's the most important part:
All my trainees are simply ordinary people, with average genetic potential. And every single one of them got these extraordinary results using no drugs at all.
If average people like them can fulfill their dreams, there is no reason you can't as well!
You're starting to "get it."
You're finally beginning to look past all the bull you read in the magazines and on bogus websites.
You want to get started.
You want to know what it is I'm offering.
My offer is quite simple. I'm giving you the opportunity to duplicate my success. Just like my trainees do. I'm giving you all the tools… all the motivation… I'm giving you the truth.
You'll find that once arm yourself with this system, you'll wish you had done it sooner. And you'll find that the more you follow my road-map, the more it will work for you.
With this brand new explosive system, you get everything you need to…
Gain clean, pure, cut muscle and increase your strength dramatically!
Whether you are young or old. Short or tall. Skinny or really skinny. Or skinny with a pot belly. It doesn't matter!
And you'll do it…
- Averaging only 3 hours of weight training per week!
- Performing only 2-4 unique muscle crunching sets!
- Training each muscle only 2 times every 5 days!
- All in less than 6 months!
You want to know. How much is this incredible system going to cost?
Okay…hold on. We're almost there.
More important than how much it will cost (and it'll be much less than you think, I promise you that)… is what it's worth.
Let's see…
How much is it worth to you to finally have that perfectly shredded body you've always dreamed of? A million dollars?
They don't call it a million dollar body for nothing. But realistically, no average person is going to pay 7 figures to get that body.
Some desperate people resort to steroids and pay THOUSANDS a month for illegal drugs. Imagine how depressing this will be when you can't afford them anymore and you lose all your gains?
Heck, most professional bodybuilders pay $30,000 - $40,000 a YEAR just to destroy their liver and die an early death.
If you were to get a Doctor to sculpt your body fat into a much better you, you'd easily pay $20,000. And after that doctor was done, and after all those weeks of painful healing, you would STILL have to work out like a wild man to fill that fat void with muscle.
Let's say you don't have any of that flab. Maybe you're just skinny, like I was. Maybe you've tried to sculpt definition by listening to the "experts" and can't do it. You can always pay THOUSANDS more for pec. implants, calf implants, bicep implants and even glut. implants!
Still you wouldn't look "right."
If you were to get a personal trainer, just like me to train with you everyday, you would pay around $75 per session. If you work out 3 times a week, for just 6 months, that would cost you more than $5,800.
And unless that trainer was using my system, you would STILL probably not get the results you were looking for.
Maybe you can find that body in a bottle, plastic tub, or pill?
Um…haven't you tried that already? Isn't that insanity the reason we're both here right now?
Okay…let's pretend the miracle was available. What's it going to cost?
- 10 pounds of protein powder $100
- 1 month supply of Creatine $60
- Latest "breakthrough" supplement $100
That's a total of $260.00 and I guarantee that one month from today you'll probably look just like you do right now! It's true you won't feel the same, because some of that crap really messes with your system!
Okay…we already know you're not going to pay a million bucks. That would be crazy. Even getting surgery for tens of thousands of dollars sounds crazy to me.
And I know you don't want to spend thousands a month on ILLEGAL pills and needles (steroids) that give you bitch tits, acne, small testicles and no hair…not to mention a shorter life… because that's what your in for.
Wasting around $200.00 every month on protein, supplements and all that junk. Heck, that's not even an option anymore, because you already know it won't work anyway.
Paying for a good personal trainer is a great investment. I'd even say the best investment. If you can afford it -- and you can find a local trainer who knows what I know -- I say skip this program and sign up today.
But realistically… who can afford almost $12,000 a year for training? Not you. Not even most professional bodybuilders and fitness models can afford that.
INTRODUCING The 3rd Edition of…
Vince DelMonte's Muscle Shredding, Button Popping
Hardgainer's Success Kit
Hardgainer's Success Kit
Heck, you can even return the program if the only reason it didn't work for you wasn't even my fault…like if you dropped a weight on your head, completely stripping you of your ability to read and rendering this information useless, decided you wanted to live in the Jungles of Borneo, or just plain decided you liked cupcakes instead of a six pack.
And after you get your refund, you can even keep the product just in case you change your mind later.
I care THAT MUCH that you get started, I want to make this a totally risk-free, obvious and smart thing to do for you.
If for any reason whatsoever in the 60 days you want a full refund then just email and I'll have it back to you within 48 hours.
This is my promise to you. And I make this promise because I am THAT SURE that you will find my system to be unlike any other out there today.
And most importantly… I can make this promise because unlike all the other junk you've probably read or used… THIS ACTUALLY WORKS.
"Just Imagine For A Moment…"
You wake up one morning just a few months from today. You walk to the bathroom to brush your teeth. And you get a glimpse of yourself in the mirror.; It didn't sink in till just this very moment.
You're actually RIPPED! I mean solid muscle cut to perfection. Your 6 pack is finally showing. Your arms are so tight it looks like you're flexing when you're not.
You throw on those old jeans. Your gluts feel rock-hard. Those jeans now fit like they never did before.
You try to button your shirt, but for the first time you can't get those top 3 buttons to close. You realize… you're an XL for the first time in your life.
You head out to work, or school… and realize that women are staring at you. It's like they're looking at you with that desire you've always had for them.
Imagine feeling, for the first time… like the person you always dreamed of becoming.
That dream is not far off. You can have that body you want. And you can do it with no needles… with no powders… and training only 3 hours a week. So please don't procrastinate and "think about it" anymore. If you are not happy with how you look, you probably never will be UNLESS you make a change.
NOW is the time to arm yourself with the weapons you need to…
- Create unbelievable muscle mass!
- Command more respect!
- Make everyone's head turn when you enter a room!
- No more wasting time, and energy on trial and error.
- No more making mistakes in the gym.
- And no more surfing the Internet for the "latest and greatest" routine.
- click here to buy it now
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